
The " The New Argentinian President Javier Milei Is A "Libertarian/Anarcho-Capitalist"" Scam

[Or, the 6 fatal words that prove that that  Argentinian  Presidential candidate Javier Milei  Is NOT a "Libertarian/ Anarcho- Capitalist"! ] [ N.B. This post originally appeared here , in 09/23] All Comments/questions/insults/death threats etc.  - email: onebornfree at yahoo dot com This will be a short post. I've been hoping that someone else out there in libertarian/an-cap world would have seen this as well, and pointed out the obvious,  but I've been disappointed to date.  No one else to my knowledge to date has noticed the 6 super important , entirely contradictory, entirely unlibertatian/an-cap  words that appear at the very end of Mr Milei's 13 point plan for Argentina. :-( .  I guess that he and his handlers are betting that the casual libertarian listener/reader would be so overwhelmed by his many [admittedly] amazingly "on the money" comments , for example, in his recent interview with Tucker Carlson :